Ortigão ends the 2023 harvest with a bang!

Ortigão termina as vindimas de 2023 em grande!
The harvest at Quinta do Ortigão, in Bairrada, ended very successfully. Expectations were exceeded in terms of both quantity and quality. The tradition of harvesting the grapes manually and using 18 to 20kg boxes to transport them continued to be a fundamental part of the process, which guaranteed grapes in their excellent condition.

Featured Quality: Superior 2022

One of the reasons for optimism is the quality of the grapes. The vineyards had access to a significant amount of water this year compared to last year. The winter was marked by more abundant rain, and in the months of May to June, the region was once again blessed with more rain, which contributed to excellent maturation. Furthermore, a remarkable balance was observed between sugar and acidity levels in the grapes, which will soon result in wines with greater freshness and minerality compared to the previous harvest.

Great expectations for 2023:

With more balanced musts in terms of sugar and acidity, the expectation is that this year's white wines will be fresher and more persistent, while the reds should have good intensity and structure, without being astringent. In this case, this factor opens up opportunities for the wines to mature over time, enabling the winery to work with this raw material to produce large, high-quality reserves.

This year's featured grape varieties include Arinto, Bical, Baga and Touriga Nacional, which demonstrated very interesting behaviors during the harvest phase.

2023 was an exceptional year in Ortigão, the favorable weather conditions and the hard work of its winemakers resulted in excellent quality grapes, grapes that are being prepared to give rise to authentic and traditional Bairradinian wines.

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